疑問文DoDoes Did Canをスラスラ言えるようにしよう1


① Do you 5時に起きます every morning ?    get up at five
② Do you顔を洗います every morning ?             wash your face 
③ Do you歯を磨きます every day ?                       brush your teeth
④ Do you朝食を食べます with your family ?               have breakfast  
⑤ Do you家を出ます at seven thirty ?                   leave home
⑥ Do you歩いて学校に行きます with your friend ?         walk to school
⑦ Do you学校に着きます around eight ?                get to school
⑧ Do you先生の話を聞きます carefully ?                     listen to the teacher
⑨ Do youよく質問をします in class?                   often ask a question
⑩ Do you昼食を食べます at twelve forty ?                      have lunch    
⑪ Do you外で遊びます after lunch ?                               play outside
⑫ Do you色々なことを話します  with your friends ?      talk about many things
⑬ Do you教室を掃除します very hard ?                         clean your classroom
⑭ Do you部活をします after school ?                             take part in club activities
⑮ Do you 帰宅する before dark ?                                    get home
⑯ Do you テレビを見ます after dinner ?                         watch TV
⑰ Do you ビデオゲームをします before dinner ?           play a video game
⑱ Do you 宿題をします at home ?                                 do your homework
⑲ Do you 風呂に入る every day ?                                  take a bath
⑳ Do you 寝ますか early every night ?                           go to bed


① Does he 5時に起きます every morning ? get up at five
② Do you顔を洗います every morning ?              wash your face 
③ Does she歯を磨きます every day ?                            brush her teeth
④ Do you朝食を食べます with your family ?                   have breakfast  
⑤ Does Ken家を出ます at seven thirty ?                        leave home
⑥ Do you歩いて学校に行きます with your friend ?         walk to school
⑦ Does your friend学校に着きます around eight ?         get to school
⑧ Do they先生の話を聞きます carefully ?                    listen to the teacher
⑨ Does Kumiよく質問をします in class?                often ask a question
⑩ Do they昼食を食べます at twelve forty ?                     have lunch    
⑪ Do your friends外で遊びます after lunch ?                  play outside
⑫ Does she色々なことを話します  with her friends ?    talk about many things
⑬ Do you教室を掃除します every day?                          clean your classroom
⑭ Does Kumi部活をします after school ?                       take part in club activities
⑮ Do they 帰宅する before dark every day ?                  get home
⑯ Does he テレビを見ます after dinner ?                       watch TV
⑰ Does she ビデオゲームをします before dinner ?       play a video game
⑱ Do they 宿題をします at home ?                                do your homework
⑲ Does your dog 風呂に入る every day ?                      take a bath
⑳ Do you 寝ますか late every day ?                               go to bed

