Welcome To英語音読ジム 10倍速で伸びる英語力! 

Hi, today I’m gonna talk a little bit about Judo.If you like it, please subscribe my channel by pressing the button below.
① I am a member of a karate gym.
② On the first day, I wore a big training suit and a white belt.
③ I was a little embarrassed because nobody taught me how to do karate.
④ One of the members said,“ No one teaches you. You learn it yourself ”.
⑤ So I watched the practice very carefully.
⑥ There are so many colors of karate belts. They are like a rainbow.
⑦ I n budo, anyway, wearing the correct outfit is important, I think.
⑧ karate teachers say, Character-building is more important than technique.
⑨ They also say, Don’t be angry at small things. 
Take a good care of those below you.
⑩ Another karate teacher said to me, “ Don’t worry. When the time comes, 
you’ll have confidence in yourself ”. So I take it steadily.
① I am a member of a karate gym.私は空手道場のメンバーです。
② On the first day, I wore a big training suit and a white belt.
③ I was a little embarrassed because nobody taught me how to do karate.
④ One of the members said,“ No one teaches you. You learn it yourself ”.
⑤ So I watched the practice very carefully.だから、一生懸命空手のけいこを見ていました。
⑥ There are so many colors of karate belts.空手の帯はとてもたくさんありますね。 
They are like a rainbow.帯の色は虹みたいですね。
⑦ I n budo, anyway, wearing the correct outfit is important, I think.
⑧ Karate teachers say, Character-building is more important than technique.
⑨ They also say, Don’t be angry at small things. 
Take a good care of those below you.年下の人の面倒をよく見ることだね。
⑩ Another karate teacher said to me, “Don’t worry. When the time comes, 
you’ll have confidence in yourself ”. So I take it steadily.

*  budo or a kind of martial arts

