Part1 名詞編 5つの単語説明を2、3回音読してイメージをつかんでみましょう。
①X is where people go to eat and pay for their meals.
②X is a ruler of a country or the wife of a king.
③X is a large,round,orange fruit that grows on a vine.
④X is where you go to learn many exiting new things.
⑤X is a white or brown food that makes food taste sweeter.
答え ① restaurant ② queen③ pumpkin ④ school ⑤ sugar
Part2 5つの単語説明を2、3回音読してイメージをつかんでみましょう。
①X is a small cloth bag sewn into your clothing, used to carry small things.
②X is the early part of the day, before noon.
③Xis something that moves around a planet. Ours lights up the night sky.
④X is the largest wild cat, with orange or white fur with dark stripes.
⑤X is the brother of your father or mother.
答え ① pocket ② morning ③ moon ④ tiger ⑤ uncle